A six week healthy eating project
Includes the topics:
What nutrients and why
Balanced diet
Calories in food
How many calories should I have?
Looking at the labels
Health Halo’s
Analysing a diet
Tips for healthy eating
Dangers of over-eating
Dangers of under-eating
Super size me
Gives the pupils the knowledge and understanding of the foods we eat so they can make the correct choices.
Includes tasks such as:
planning health meals
Working out the calories, salt, saturated fat and sugar in their meals
Planning a day eating only Macdonalds and evaluating the contents
Watching the documentary Super Size Me (This is available on youtube and Amazon prime)
The resource is an ongoing process, but could be broken down as follows:
Week 1: Nutrients, balanced diet, design a 1 day diet plan, quiz, how many calories
Week 2: Food labels, quiz, health halo’s analysing a diet, analysing your own diet
week 3: Tips for a healthy diet, plan a 2 day diet plan,
Week 4: Energy balance, overeating, under eating, quiz
Week 5: Plan and analyse a day eating MacDonald’s food, 1st half of documentary
Week 6: Documentary